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李蒙,女,汉族,中共党员,教授,博导。2009年在华中科技大学取得学士学位,随后保送至中国科学院长春应用化学研究所学习,于2015年获理学博士学位。2015年5月至2017年5月在美国Wayne State University进行了为期两年的博士后研究,2018年1月作为高层次优秀人才进入太阳成集团tyc33455cc工作至今,主要研究方向为纳米材料在疾病诊断与治疗中的应用。目前已在SCI上共发表文章40余篇,专利两项。其中作为第一作者或通讯作者发表高质量学术文章27篇,包括顶级期刊Journal of the American Chemical Society, Advanced Materials和Chemical Science等。相关论文被引用2200余次,单篇第一作者论文最高引用376次。






3. 河北省第三批青年拔尖人才支持计划(2018年-2021年)。

4. 河北省百人计划项目:手性纳米材料的自组装及其调控β-淀粉样肽聚集行为的研究(2019年-2022年)

5. 河北医科大学春雨计划优秀青年基金:基于杂多酸的手性杂化纳米材料的组装及其在靶向抑制β-淀粉样肽聚集中的应用(2019年-2021年)。


1.Meng Li, Zhenqi Liu, Jinsong Ren, Xiaogang Qu*. Molecular crowding effects on the biochemical properties of amyloid β-heme, Aβ-Cu and Aβ-heme-Cu complexes. Chemical Science 2020, 11, 7479-7486. 

2.Cong Zhang, Min Cui, Jujie Ren*, Yifei Xing, Na Li, Haiyan Zhao, Peng Liu, Xueping Ji, Meng Li*. Facile synthesis of novel spherical covalent organic frameworks integrated with Pt nanoparticles and multiwalled carbon nanotubes as electrochemical probe for tanshinol drug detection. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 401, 126025. 

3.Cong Zhang, Jujie Ren*, Yifei Xing, Min Cui, Na Li, Peng Liu, Xiaofang Wen, Meng Li*. Fabrication of hollow ZnO-Co3O4 nanocomposite derived from bimetallic-organic frameworks capped with Pd nanoparticles and MWCNTs for highly sensitive detection of tanshinol drug. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2020, 108, 110214. 

4.Jie Lv#, Shuangling Wang#, Cong Zhang*, Yulong Lin, Yan Fu, Meng Li*. ATP induced alteration in the peroxidase-like properties of hollow Prussian blue nanocubes: a platform for alkaline phosphatase detection. Analyst 2020, 145, 5032-5040. 

5.Meng Li#, Jie Lv#, Shuangling Wang, Jing Wang*, Yulong Lin*. Expanded mesoporous silica-encapsulated ultrasmall Pt nanoclusters as artificial enzymes for tracking hydrogen peroxide secretion from live cells. Analytica Chimica Acta 2020, 1104, 180-187.

6.Na Xue, Binnan He, Yutao Jia, Caiqin Yang, Jing Wang*, Meng Li*. The mechanism of binding with the α-glucosidase in vitro and the evaluation on hypoglycemic effect in vivo: Cocrystals involving synergism of gallic acid and conformer. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 2020, 156, 64-74. 

7.Yutao Jia, Lina Zhang, Binnan He, Yulong Lin, Jing Wang*, Meng Li*. 8-Hydroxyquinoline functionalized covalent organic framework as a pH sensitive carrier for drug delivery. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2020, 117, 111243. 

8.Yulong Lin, Yalin Wang, Jie Lv, Nannan Wang, Jing Wang*, Meng Li*. Targeted acetylcholinesterase-responsive drug carriers with long duration of drug action and reduced hepatotoxicity. International journal of nanomedicine 2019, 14, 5817. 

9.Shuangling Wang, Han Yan, Yalin Wang, Na Wang, Yulong Lin*, Meng Li*. Hollow Prussian Blue nanocubes as peroxidase mimetic and enzyme carriers for colorimetric determination of ethanol. Microchimica Acta 2019, 186, 738. 

10.Jie Lv, Binnan He, Na Wang, Meng Li*, Yulong Lin*. A gold nanoparticle based colorimetric and fluorescent dual-channel probe for acetylcholinesterase detection and inhibitor screening. RSC Advances 2018, 8, 32893-32898. 

11.Meng Li, Yijia Guan, Andong Zhao, Jinsong Ren, Xiaogang Qu*. Using multifunctional peptide conjugated Au nanorods for monitoring β-amyloid aggregation and chemo-photothermal treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Theranostics 2017, 7, 2996-3006. 

12.Meng Li, Yijia Guan, Zhaowei Chen, Nan Gao, Jinsong Ren, Kai Dong, Xiaogang Qu*. Platinum-coordinated graphitic carbon nitride nanosheet used for targeted inhibition of amyloid β-peptide aggregation. Nano Research 2016, 9, 2411-2423. 

13.Meng Li, Yijia Guan, Chao Ding, Zhaowei Chen, Jinsong Ren, Xiaogang Qu*. An ultrathin graphitic carbon nitride nanosheet: a novel inhibitor of metal-induced amyloid aggregation associated with Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2016, 4, 4072-4075.

14.Meng Li, Chuanqi Zhao, Jinsong Ren, Xiaogang Qu*. Chiral metallo-supramolecular complex directed enantioselective self-assembly of β-sheet breaker peptide for amyloid inhibition. Small 2015, 11, 4651-4655.

15.Meng Li, Andong Zhao, Kai Dong, Wen Li, Jinsong Ren, Xiaogang Qu*. Chemically exfoliated WS2 nanosheets efficiently inhibit amyloid β-peptide aggregation and can be used for photothermal treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Nano Research 2015, 8, 3216-3227. 

16.Meng Li, Suzanne E. Howson, Kai Dong, Nan Gao, Jinsong Ren, Peter Scott, Xiaogang Qu*. Chiral metallohelical complexes enantioselectively target amyloid β for treating Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136, 11655-11663. 

17.Meng Li, Chuanqi Zhao, Taicheng Duan, Jinsong Ren, Xiaogang Qu*. New insights into Alzheimer's disease amyloid inhibition: Nanosized metallo-supramolecular complexes suppress Aβ-induced biosynthesis of heme and iron uptake in PC12 cells. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2014, 3, 832-836. 

18.Meng Li, Can Xu, Li Wu, Jinsong Ren, Enbo Wang, Xiaogang Qu*. Self-assembled peptide-polyoxometalate hybrid nanospheres: Two in one enhances targeted inhibition of amyloid β-peptide aggregation associated with Alzheimer's disease. Small 2013, 9, 3455-3461. 

19.Meng Li, Chuanqi Zhao, Xinjian Yang, Jinsong Ren, Can Xu, Xiaogang Qu*. In situ monitoring Alzheimer’s disease β-amyloid aggregation and screening of Aβ inhibitors using a perylene probe. Small 2013, 9, 52-55. 

20.Meng Li, Can Xu, Jinsong Ren, Enbo Wang, Xiaogang Qu*. Photodegradation of β-sheet amyloid fibrils associated with Alzheimer's disease by using polyoxometalates as photocatalysts. Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 11394-11396. 

21.Meng Li, Peng Shi, Can Xu, Jinsong Ren, Xiaogang Qu*. Cerium oxide caged metal chelator: anti-aggregation and anti-oxidation integrated H2O2-responsive controlled drug release for potential Alzheimer’s disease treatment. Chemical Science 2013, 4, 2536-2542.

22.Meng Li, Xinjian Yang, Jinsong Ren, Konggang Qu, Xiaogang Qu*. Using graphene oxide high near-infrared absorbance for photothermal treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Advanced Materials 2012, 24, 1722-1728.

23.Haijia Yu#, Meng Li#, Gongping Liu#, Jie Geng, Jianzhi Wang, Jinsong Ren, Chuanqi Zhao, Xiaogang Qu*. Metallosupramolecular complex targeting an α/β discordant stretch of amyloid β peptide. Chemical Science 2012, 3, 3145-3153. 

24.Jie Geng#, Meng Li#, Li Wu, Jinsong Ren, Xiaogang Qu*. Liberation of copper from amyloid plaques: Making a risk factor useful for Alzheimer’s disease treatment. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2012, 55, 9146-9155. 

25.Meng Li, Zhen Liu, Jinsong Ren, Xiaogang Qu*. Inhibition of metal-induced amyloid aggregation using light-responsive magnetic nanoparticle prochelator conjugates. Chemical Science 2012, 3, 868-873.